Sunday, December 20, 2009

Our visit to the Newport Aquarium

Gentry's 1st Birthday Party

1 year doctor's appt

Our baby isn't a baby anymore.
He's a big boy, who had 4 shots at his 1 year check-up,
and barely cried. We were so proud of our brave boy!
Robby and I just cannot believe how fast time has flown by with Gentry.
We have been and could to be blessed by his presence in our lives.
Gentry is a true gift from God, we are so thankful God entrusted us
with the tremendous task of raising one of his children.
December is such a crazy month for us, between Gentry's birthday & the holidays.
But we would not trade it, because it's a precious gift & reminder of what
this time of year is really all about - the birth/gift of Jesus Christ.
The holidays should be about family, friends, and remembering those
we tend to take for granted.
We are excited to start a new year with Gentry.
Who knows what 2010 will bring?