It seems like yesterday, Gentry was laying on the living room floor under jungle gym, or wabbling back and forth in his exersaucer, or standing holding onto the couch for dear life before falling on his bottom? Those days are long gone.
Now, we can barely keep up with this little man. He spends the days, running circles around Robby and I, getting into everything, wanting to learn and know about everything......and talking up a storm. That part still amazes me. I'm shocked sometimes, with the things that come out his mouth.....
One of my favorite phrases is: "Help me Momma." Gentry is so determined to do things on his own, so when he actually breaks down and asks for help, it's so precious.
Well, better late than never.....we finally got Gentry's 2 year old pictures. (compliments of Portriat Innovations) Their photographers do such a nice job. My favorite thing about that place, is how patience they are with you. I could not imagine doing their job.
Now, onto the photos......being that it was his 2 year old pictures - we had to get the classic #2 block in the picture:
Great pictures!! Thanks so much for sharing. :) Gentry is the cutest!! Love you guys.