Monday, January 24, 2011

Meeting Daniel (our cousin & our neighbor)

Congratulations to Uncle Jeff & Aunt Katie.....(or Katie-Jeff, as Gentry calls them).
On January 19, 2011, they welcomed a new addition to their family....Daniel Robert Jackson. We are so excited for their blessing, but even more excited that they just across the street. Jeff & Katie have been such a support to us before and after Gentry came into our life. Now, we are excited to be the same support to them. Gentry is very excited about baby Daniel, but I think he'll be even more excited when he can rough-house with him and they can chase each other around. The crazy thing about it all is - that time will be here before we know it.
Another exciting element to the addition of Daniel is that - Great-Grandma Messmer gets to welcome another Great-Grandchild to her life. We are so excited that she is well and able to come for a visit.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Making the best of ALL THIS SNOW!

Do you recall the movie - "A Christmas Story"? If you do, then you have to remember the infamous scene where the youngest son is getting dressed for school. He's in his snowsuit and cannot put his arms down at his side. I crack up just thinkin' about it.
Well....check out our little man....because once we got Gentry ready to go play in the snow the other day......I thought of that very movie moment.

Fire Truck Puzzle....the latest obsession

Gentry got a fire truck puzzle the other day and it is now the latest obsession.....
Every day when I come home from work, Robby and Gentry have completed the puzzle at least 10 times, then Gentry wants me to "help him" do the puzzle another 15 times.....
Robby and I officially have the puzzle memorized.....I think we could complete the puzzle in our sleep.

Friday, January 21, 2011

2 Years Old..............Where does the time go?

It seems like yesterday, Gentry was laying on the living room floor under jungle gym, or wabbling back and forth in his exersaucer, or standing holding onto the couch for dear life before falling on his bottom? Those days are long gone.
Now, we can barely keep up with this little man. He spends the days, running circles around Robby and I, getting into everything, wanting to learn and know about everything......and talking up a storm. That part still amazes me. I'm shocked sometimes, with the things that come out his mouth.....
One of my favorite phrases is: "Help me Momma." Gentry is so determined to do things on his own, so when he actually breaks down and asks for help, it's so precious.
Well, better late than never.....we finally got Gentry's 2 year old pictures. (compliments of Portriat Innovations) Their photographers do such a nice job. My favorite thing about that place, is how patience they are with you. I could not imagine doing their job.
Now, onto the photos......being that it was his 2 year old pictures - we had to get the classic #2 block in the picture:
Thanks to Aunt Julie, Gentry was able to get decked out in his UK gear for this picture:
Aaaawwwhhhhh.....that face and that smile!

My little man handsome.
He looks like such a big boy in this picture. He was digging that blue chair.
We decided to take advantage of the opportunity to get some family shots.

Here's another one:

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Christmas at Nana & Popaw's House

Over the hills and through the woods.....approximately 3 miles down the Nana & Popaw's house we go.....
The day after Christmas we celebrated with the Vice family in Independence. It is the first Christmas gathering at Nana & Popaw's. After a yummy brunch, we made our way downstairs to the basement to open presents and share in family time.
I love my family!
Gentry and Parker playing golf
Uncle B & Gigi
Uncle Ryan & k.k.
Braydon, Aniya, Gentry, & Parker playing together
Gentry opening presents
Gentry playing with a new toy Nana & Popaw's tree
Gentry playing with his new toy
Family Shot - Aunt Jackie & Uncle Mike joined the happy they made it!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Merry Christmas to the World's Greatest 2 Year Old

Christmas this year was a blast with Gentry.....Robby and I walked into Gentry's room on Christmas morning....and Gentry was so excited. He has let's go see HoHo...and play with toys.
Seeing his face when he walked into the living room was memorable.
Gentry was so excited about his new car that sped down the hallway.
Gentry and I on Christmas morning.
Gentry playing with his new choo-choo table.

After enjoying Christmas morning at our house, we headed to Grandma & Grandpa's house in Edgewood. Here's Daddy and Gentry walking to the front door. It was so nice to have a white Christmas.

We enjoyed a yummy breakfast before opening presents. Here's Gentry and Grandpa.
Gentry was surprised with a Red Wagon from Grandma & Grandpa. He loved it! He sat in it the whole time he opened his presents.

Gentry with Grandma while he opened presents....

Gentry wore his Grandma pjs on Christmas Grandma's house.

Gentry had a big morning and was tuckered. We were so blessed.

Next, we were off the Great-Grandma Messmer's house for the next portion of our Christmas day celebration. Going to Grandma Messmer's has been a tradition for years.
Gentry with Daddy....
Chilling after opening presents. It's been a big day so far and with out a nap, we took advantage of any and every opportunity to enjoy some down time. Because we are not done yet....

Great-Aunt Nancy got a new house phone. She was nice enough to let Gentry play with it for a while.

Next up was Great-Grandma and Grandpa Requardt's house......they patiently waited for us to arrive and celebration Christmas day with them and Judy.

Gentry got some big leggos to play with and build with. He loved them - Thank you Great-Aunt Judy.
Time to go was a long & fun day! Even though it was a long day, we are sooo thankful to have such a great family to celebrate with. (Tomorrow we go to Nana's....)
Merry Christmas Everyone!