I think the hardest thing over the last couple of months was the "eating" thing. There was a period in time when Gentry wouldn't eat anything except for crackers. I felt like I was "over-carbing" my kid. He refused to put anything in his mouth that wasn't a cracker. I was so concerned, I took Gentry to the doctor. He told me, not to worry - that Gentry would start eating and trying new foods when he was ready. Apparently this doctor doesn't know me very well. I like to operate on my time and no one else's. =) But life "definitely" changes when you have a child.....time is no longer yours' and things happen when "they" want them to happen. I would say overall - Robby and I have pretty much made the adjustment without too many bumps along on the way.
Speaking of "bumps".......boys will be boys! Gentry is all boy and he has had his fair share of bumps and bruises. I think I got over that pretty quickly - probably because of daycare. I remember the time when Gentry came home from daycare with his 1st "accident" report. Crazy sounding - right? Accident report! Apparently he fell against the wall while trying to walk around. Oh well......I knew then, it would be the first of many! =)
I'm trying to think of a few of Gentry's favorite things now:
- Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (still)
- pretzels
- rough-housing with Robby on the livingroom floor after bathtime
- books, books, books - he could sit for hours and just flip through books
- bathtime - he has just started the whole "splashing and laughing" thing
- trains - "choos-choos"
- Mommy & Daddy - of course
- cell phones
- music
- goldfish crackers
- sitting and watching cartoons in his miniature recliner
- his blanket (my mom found more on the Internet, we now have 3 backups, just in case)
- hanging out with family
- anything that lights up
Well - here's the small update for now. I'll try to get back here soon and write more. Life just seems to be getting away from us lately......but Gentry is making things very enjoyable and exciting! We are so blessed to have such an awesome kid. There is nothing better in this world, than walking into a room and seeing his little face light up. Thank you God for such a miracle!
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