Sunday, February 15, 2009

Once upon a time...

Once upon a time there was a girl....this girl met and fell in love with a boy. They loved each other so much that they decided to spend the rest of their lives together. After a few wonderful years of wedded bliss....they had a baby. This was no oridinary baby though....his name was Gentry, and he was wanted more than anything in the world. He was a gift from God....a true blessing. You are invited to & see the amazing journey Gentry takes. For he is traveling a road that has already been paved by God.

Robby & I hope you enjoy watching our little man growup.....seeing and even being apart of all his first......his first moments, first giggles, first smiles, first words, first steps, etc.

Most of all.....we wish to thank you. Thank you for your on-going support, love, and guidance. For we would not be the parents we are if it wasn't for all of you. We are truly blessed to have the circle of family, friends, church, etc. You are all another great gift from God.

God is good.

-robby & alissa

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