Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Gentry goes to his 1st Baby Shower...
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Introducing the Grandparents
...looking back on time with cousins....
I have been videoing Gentry the days while Robby is at work. I don't want Robby to miss a thing. On this particular day - Gentry was in an exceptionally great mood and gooing so much. I am sooo happy that I was able to capture this moment. I will cherish this time and this video forever.
Once again - Robby and I are so bless to have Gentry. He is a true gift from God....someone we have been waiting to meet for the past three years. I never thought you could want something so bad, need something so bad, or love something so much -especially someone you have never met or known before. There are amazing things in store for us as parents, I know. God has an amazing plan for Gentry....I am so thankful that Robby and I get to witness it first hand.
Praise God....for his grace works in ways in which I can hardly understand....but I do know, Christ is a constant, even when you are not looking in that direction....he is there, and he will wait for you.
"Tummy time" turns into "back time"
A Visit From Noah...
Monday, February 16, 2009
Gentry's First Christmas
1st Doctor's Appt.
First Week Home
Home Sweet Home!
Well, it was our first week at home with Gentry. And we survived....more importantly, he survived. Wow, he's so easy. As long as this kid has a clean diaper and a full stomache, we seem to be doing good.
Big thing this week for me....was to use a pacificer or not....well I finally broke down and gave it to him. To my amazment, Gentry really doesn't care too much one way or another about the pacificer. I just didn't want him to rely on it in order to go to sleep. But it turns out, sometimes he wants and other times, he wants nothing to do with it. Oh....and no thumb sucking yet....thank goodness.
Now, onto the swaddling! He loves it, and the tighter the better. I am so happy that we have all these receiving blankets. They are coming in really handy. So....a big thank you goes out to my sister-in-law, Missy. If it wasn't for her - I would not know how-to swaddle. P.S. A special thanks to my nephew, Parker Ray, for letting me practice on him.
My biggest realization from the first week at home is this: he changes everyday. I can't believe how fast he's growing already......and we've only just begun.
love, robby & alissa
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Home at last! Robby and I have been waiting for this day for 9 months plus! We could not wait to get out of the hospital and get our boy home. We were worried what Gentry would think about his car seat and his first ride in a car. He did great! Thank goodness Gentry is a chill kid - because Robby and I worry enough for him.
We got released from the hospital about 2pm and Nana picked us up. Robby drove and I sat in the backseat with Gentry to make sure his was alright. (He was clueless....nothing was phasing him.)
Robby made sure that he had the house decorated for Christmas in time for Gentry's homecoming. we could not wait to show Gentry his room and let him meet Chase, our cat. (Although, Chase was not that interested...)
We were so thankful, Robby has the next couple of weeks off work...so we could enjoy our son and new family life. But the time flew by, as we knew it would. We didn't want to do anything, but stare at Gentry all day, everyday. He was and still is so beautiful. What a miracle! We didn't mind getting up to feed him, in fact, we were excited to have him in our arms again. We started off great - he slept about 3 hours in between feedings. So, we actually did get some rest. No matter what though....any lack of sleep was totally worth it.
Gentry's First Professional Pics

Gentry had a mini-photo shoot at the hospital on Monday, before we went home. The pictures were done by Our365. They did a great job and were amazing with Gentry. It was a crazy morning....so we were surprise that the pictures turned as good as they did. So cute. We were so happy that we were able to capture these special memories.
Happy Birthday Gentry!
We welcomed Robert Gentry Messmer on Saturday, December 13, 2008 at 8:27pm. He was 7 lbs. 6 oz. and 21 1/2 inches long. Gentry was borned at St. Elizabeth Hospital in Edgewood, KY. He was blessed to have 4 Grandparents, 6 Great-Grandparents, 2 Aunts, 2 Uncles, 3 Cousins, and tons more family & friends surrounding him.