Monday, September 10, 2012

20 Questions......a "Gentry" Update

1.  What's new in the family?  Gentry is going to be a big brother around October 2, 2012.
2.  What's new at school?  Gentry has been moved up to the 4 year old classroom, he is lovin' Miss Dawn.
3.  Best friends at school?  Will and Owen
4.  Favorite toy?  anything Spiderman or Batman (which is totally weird, b/c we never introduced it to him....awh, the things he's already picking up at school)
5.  Favorite color?  Black & Blue
6.  What is he going to be for Halloween?  Batman (shocker...)
7.  Favorite sport?  either baseball or soccer (we are starting league soccer on Saturday - very exciting)
8.  Favorite saying?  "...when I'm finished with 3, then I'll be 4."
9.  Favorite food?  ha.....when I can get him to slow down and eat - usually cereal
10.  Favorite passtime?  coloring (luvs markers vs. crayons now) or baseball in the front yard with Daddy
11.  Favorite TV show(s)?  Super Why, Bubble Guppies, Jake & the Neverland Pirates
12.  Favorite drink?  Milk - so things never change...
13.  Something new....?  Gentry has started picking out his own outfits/clothes every morning.  This can be a little daunting or down right frustrating, but it's interesting to say the least based on what he picks. 
14.  Least favorite thing?  Meal time:  Mommy & Daddy are making Gentry tried new foods during our "at home family dinners" - phew!  This usually ends in tears but with a few bites complete.
15.  Stickers or Paint?  Paint - luvs painting at school and Grandma's
16.  Using his imagination?  Like crazy, from running around the house with blankets tied around his neck as a cape and pretending to be a super having conversations with his toys in the backseat of the car as we drive down the road.
17.  Sandels or Sneakers?  Sneakers for sure....probably his Spiderman sneakers that light up
18. Favorite Movie:  (still) Cars
19.  Somthing new at church?  Starting Children's Choir this week
20.  Weird fact:  Gentry does not have a sweet cookies, ice cream, or cupcakes for him. 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Gentry's 1st Movie in 3D

Coloring Machine

 Gentry is on a coloring kick.  One of my favorite activities with Gentry is to spread out on the living room floor on our bellies and color for hours.  Unfortunately stretching out on my belly isn't an option...but none the less, I still pick out a page in the Dora the Explorer coloring book and Gentry picks a Chugginton coloring page and we have fun.  

Silly times with Mommy

 Gentry loves taking pictures with my iPhone.  He especially loves to use the flip function and watch himself taking pictures.

Chillin' with Daddy

Baby Sister is almost here.....

Mommy is 34 weeks along - only 6 weeks left to go....

Lincoln Logs

 On a lazy Sunday afternoon....Gentry and I played for hours with his Lincoln Logs....